Книга: Distributed operating systems

9.7.5. Communication

9.7.5. Communication

Amoeba supports both RPC and group communication as fundamental primitives. RPCs are addressed to put-ports, which are service addresses. They are protected cryptographically using one-way functions. The sending and receiving machines can be anywhere. The RPC interface is very simple: only three system calls, none with any options.

Group communication provides reliable broadcasting as a user primitive. Messages can be sent to any group with a guarantee of reliable delivery. In addition, all group members see all messages arrive in exactly the same order.

Low-level communication uses the FLIP protocol, which provides process addressing (as opposed to machine addressing). This feature allows process migration and (inter)network reconfiguration automatically, without the software even being aware of it. It also supports other facilities useful in distributed systems.

In contrast, Mach's communication is from process to port, rather than from process to process. Furthermore, the sender and port must be on the same node. Using a network message server or the NORMA code as a proxy, communication can be extended over a network, but this indirection extracts a performance penalty. Mach does not support group communication or reliable broadcasting as basic kernel primitives.

Communication is done using the mach_msg system call, which has seven parameters, ten options, and 35 potential error messages. It supports both synchronous and asynchronous message passing. This approach is the antithesis of the Amoeba strategy of "Keep it simple and make it fast." The idea here is to provide the maximum flexibility and the widest range of support for present and future applications.

Mach messages can be either simple or complex. Simple messages are just bits and are not processed in any special way by the kernel. Complex messages may contain capabilities. They may also pass out-of-line data using copy-on-write, something Amoeba does not have. On the other hand, this facility is of little value in a distributed system because the out-of-line data must be fetched by the network message server, combined with the message header and in-line data, and sent over the network. This optimization is for the local case and wins nothing when the sender and receiver are on different machines.

On the network, Mach uses conventional protocols such as TCP/IP. These have the advantage of being stable and widely available. FLIP, in contrast, is new, but is faster for typical RPC usage and has been specifically designed for the needs of distributed computing.

Communication in Chorus is philosophically similar to Mach, but simpler. Messages are directed to ports and can either be sent asynchronously or by using RPC. All Chorus communication is handled by the kernel, as in Amoeba. There is nothing like the network message server in Chorus. Like Amoeba and unlike Mach, a Chorus message has a fixed header containing source and destination information, and an untyped body that is just an array of bytes as far as the system is concerned. As in Amoeba, capabilities in messages are not treated in any special way.

Chorus supports broadcasting at the kernel level but in a way more like Mach (which does not support it) than like Amoeba (which does). Ports can be grouped together in port groups, and messages sent to all the members of a port group (or to just one). There is no guarantee that all processes see all messages in the same order, as in Amoeba.

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