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The first edition of this book started with the words: ‘A modern society could no longer function without the microprocessor.’

This is certainly still true but it is even truer if we include the microcontroller. While the microprocessor is at the heart of our computers, with a great deal of publicity, the microcontroller is quietly running the rest of our world. They share our homes, our vehicles and our workplace, and sing to us from our greetings cards. They are our constant, unseen companions and billions are being installed every year with little or no publicity. The purpose of this book is to give a worry-free introduction to microprocessors and microcontrollers. It starts at the beginning and does not assume any previous knowledge of microprocessors or microcontrollers and, in gentle steps, introduces the knowledge necessary to take those vital first steps into the world of the micro. John Crisp
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(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4)

shmop_write - записывает данные в блок shared-памяти.


int shmop_write (int shmid, string data, int offset)

shmop_write() принимает 3 параметра: shmid - идентификатор блока shared-памяти, созданный функцией shmop_open(), data - строку, которую вы хотите записать в блок shared-памяти, и offset  - смещение, которое специфицирует место, где начинать запись данных в сегменте shared-памяти.

Пример 1. Запись в блок shared-памяти
$shm_bytes_written = shmop_write($shm_id, $my_string, 0);

Этот пример записывает данные внутри $my_string в блок shared-памяти, $shm_bytes_written будет содержать количество записанных байтов.

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