Книга: Distributed operating systems

2.5.3. Group Communication in ISIS

2.5.3. Group Communication in ISIS

As an example of group communication, let us look at the ISIS system developed at Cornell (Birman, 1993; Birman and Joseph, 1987a, 1987b; and Birman and Van Renesse, 1994). ISIS is a toolkit for building distributed applications, for example, coordinating stock trading among all the brokers at a Wall Street securities firm. ISIS is not a complete operating system but rather, a set of programs that can run on top of UNIX or other existing operating systems. It is interesting to study because it has been widely described in the literature and has been used for numerous real applications. In Chap. 7 we will study group communication in Amoeba, which takes a quite different approach.

The key idea in ISIS is synchrony and the key communication primitives are different forms of atomic broadcast. Before looking at how ISIS does atomic broadcast, it is necessary first to examine the various forms of synchrony it distinguishes. A synchronous system is one in which events happen strictly sequentially, with each event (e.g., a broadcast) taking essentially zero time to complete. For example, if process A sends a message to processes B, C, and D, as shown in Fig. 2-37(a), the message arrives instantaneously at all the destinations. Similarly, a subsequent message from D to the others also takes zero time to be delivered everywhere. As viewed by an outside observer, the system consists of discrete events, none of which ever overlap the others. This property makes it easy to understand system behavior.

Fig. 2-37. (a) A synchronous system. (b) Loose synchrony. (c) Virtual synchrony.

Synchronous systems are impossible to build, so we need to investigate other types of systems, with weaker requirements on time. A loosely synchronous system is one like that of Fig. 2-37(b), in which events take a finite amount of time but all events appear in the same order to all parties. In particular, all processes receive all messages in the same order. Earlier, we discussed essentially the same idea under the name consistent time ordering.

Such systems are possible to build, but for some applications even weaker semantics are acceptable, and the hope is to be able to capitalize on these weak semantics to gain performance. Fig. 2-37(c) shows a virtually synchronous system, one in which the ordering constraint has been relaxed, but in such a way that under carefully selected circumstances, it does not matter.

Let us look at these circumstances. In a distributed system, two events are said to be causally related if the nature or behavior of the second one might have been influenced in any way by the first one. Thus if A sends a message to B, which inspects it and then sends a new message to C, the second message is causally related to the first one, since its contents might have been derived in part from the first one. Whether this actually happened is irrelevant. The relation holds if there might have been an influence.

Two events that are unrelated are said to be concurrent. If A sends a message to B, and about the same time, C sends a message to D, these events are concurrent because neither can influence the other. What virtual synchrony really means is that if two messages are causally related, all processes must receive them in the same (correct) order. If, however, they are concurrent, no guarantees are made, and the system is free to deliver them in a different order to different processes if this is easier. Thus when it matters, messages are always delivered in the same order, but when it does not matter, they may or may not be.

Communication Primitives in ISIS

Now we come to the broadcast primitives used in ISIS. Three of them have been defined: ABCAST, CBCAST, and GBCAST, all with different semantics. ABCAST provides loosely synchronous communication and is used for transmitting data to the members of a group. CBCAST provides virtually synchronous communication and is also used for sending data. GBCAST is somewhat like ABCAST, except that it is used for managing group membership rather than for sending ordinary data.

Originally, ABCAST used a form of two-phase commit protocol that worked like this. The sender, A, assigned a timestamp (actually just a sequence number) to the message and sent it to all the group members (by explicitly naming them all). Each one picked its own timestamp, larger than any other time-stamp number it had sent or received, and sent it back to A. When all of these arrived, A chose the largest one and sent a Commit message to all the members again containing it. Committed messages were delivered to the application programs in order of the timestamps. It can be shown that this protocol guarantees that all messages will be delivered to all processes in the same order.

It can also be shown that this protocol is complex and expensive. For this reason, the ISIS designers invented the CBCAST primitive, which guarantees ordered delivery only for messages that are causally related. (The ABCAST protocol just described has subsequently been replaced, but even the new one is much slower than CBCAST.) The CBCAST protocol works as follows. If a group has n members, each process maintains a vector with n components, one per group member. The ith component of this vector is the number of the last message received in sequence from process i. The vectors are managed by the runtime system, not the user processes themselves, and are initialized to zero, as shown at the top of Fig. 2-38.

Fig. 2-38. Messages can be delivered only when all causally earlier messages have already been delivered.

When a process has a message to send, it increments its own slot in its vector, and sends the vector as part of the message. When M1 in Fig. 2-38 gets to B, a check is made to see if it depends on anything that B has not yet seen. The first component of the vector is one higher than B's own first component, which is expected (and required) for a message from A, and the others are the same, so the message is accepted and passed to the group member running on B. If any other component of the incoming vector had been larger than the corresponding component of B 's vector, the message could not have been delivered yet.

Now B sends a message of its own, M2, to C, which arrives before M1. From the vector, C sees that B had already received one message from A before M2 was sent, and since it has not yet received anything from A, M2 is buffered until a message from A arrives. Under no conditions may it be delivered before A's message.

The general algorithm for deciding whether to pass an incoming message to the user process or delay it can now be stated. Let Vi be the ith component of the vector in the incoming message, and Li be the ith component of the vector stored in the receiver's memory. Suppose that the message was sent by j. The first condition for acceptance is Vj =Lj+1. This simply states that this is the next message in sequence from j, that is, no messages have been missed. (Messages from the same sender are always causally related.) The second condition for acceptance is Vi?Li for all i?j. This condition simply states that the sender has not seen any message that the receiver has missed. If an incoming message passes both tests, the runtime system can pass it to the user process without delay. Otherwise, it must wait.

In Fig. 2-39 we show a more detailed example of the vector mechanism. Here process 0 has sent a message containing the vector (4, 6, 8, 2, 1, 5) to the other five members of its group. Process 1 has seen the same messages as process 0 except for message 7 just sent by process 1 itself, so the incoming message passes the test, is accepted, and can be passed up to the user process. Process 2 has missed message 6 sent by process 1, so the incoming message must be delayed. Process 3 has seen everything the sender has seen, and in addition message 7 from process 1, which apparently has not yet gotten to process 0, so the message is accepted. Process 4 missed the previous message from 0 itself. This omission is serious, so the new message will have to wait. Finally, process 5 is also slightly ahead of 0, so the message can be accepted immediately.

Fig. 2-39. Examples of the vectors used by CBCAST.

ISIS also provides fault tolerance and support for message ordering for overlapping groups using CBCAST. The algorithms used are somewhat complicated, though. For details, see (Birman et al., 1991).

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